¹Ù·½ÌÔ±¦µê µØÖ·ÊÇfrosty-eve.taobao.com
Founded in 2004, The Frosty Eve has always been the leading Melodic Death Metal Band in Beijing¡¢China. The band has published its EP on 2006 and currently is working on its first Album.
The 2 talented guitarist——Xin & Yi created this band and hold their position for 5 years, they’ve tried to play with many musicians and finally established the present band.
Frosty Eve’s music style is deeply influenced by North European Melodic Death Metal Bands. it is filled with pure icy melody¡¢unique heavy rhythm, and lots of classical elements. The songs are very substantial and emotional; bring people the illusion of darkness and endless cold. By the summons of the vocal screaming, you will finally step into a relentless icebound land.